June 18th is Go Fishing Day!

fishing pole situated next to a tackle box full of fishing equipment
June 18 marks the official "Go Fishing Day." Any fisherman will want his or her equipment ready to go. It is not always easy to keep fishing gear safe and in good condition, especially in crowded household storage such as a garage. The best place to store your fishing gear is in Miami, FL storage units. Safeguard Self Storage has several locations in Florida. Our Pompano Beach storage units provide an area without clutter to keep fishing equipment safe and accessible.

Most people do not have adequate space at home for large fishing equipment, especially boating equipment or lengthy poles. Miami, FL storage units offer affordable and convenient places for fishing gear. Tackle boxes and fishing poles can be kept in one favorable location. A smart way to keep tackle organized is in waterproof, sealable, plastic containers. These can be stacked neatly in a
Safeguard Self Storage unit.

To keep rods safe and to extend their life, it is important to clean the rods of salt, sand and other debris and remove tackle from lines before storing. Any heaviness will cause rods to bend. To prevent tangling, the fishing lines must be taut but not too tight. It is a good idea to purchase or create a free standing rod holding system from wood and PVC pipe to keep your rods spread apart and free from damage. Every Safeguard Self Storage unit provides open space allowing an avid fisherman the ability to store his\her gear as they see fit.

When the mood strikes, it is essential to have fishing gear in good shape and in an easy reachable place. The best way to achieve this is by using a Pompano Beach storage facility. Safeguard Self Storage is the ideal place to store fishing poles, tackle boxes, and other fishing gear.
Find a Safeguard Florida storage unit near you for your fishing equipment and get ready to celebrate "Go Fishing Day" every day without hassle.
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