Changing Your Style: How to Build a New Wardrobe

You might be changing jobs or relocating to a different climate. Perhaps you're just ready for a personal fashion evolution. You've made up your mind to upgrade your style with a new wardrobe. Keep the transition seamless with clean closets, smart shopping, and climate-controlled clothing storage at Safeguard in the design district of Miami, FL.

Make Room for Changing Styles

Turn your wardrobe update into motivation for reclaiming lost closet space. It's time to move out the old and make room for the new. Go through everything. Clear shelves, clean out racks, and dig through closet corners.

Sort through your clothes, shoes, and accessories. Set aside things you're not sure about, and plan on moving them to a storage unit. Be honest about what should go and what can stay. Box up items you don't want to keep. Donate them to a local charity or flip them for cash at your next garage sale.

Divide your newly liberated clothing storage space into zones. Use different areas to arrange clothes for work, workouts, downtime, and special occasions. The goal is a perfectly organized closet ready for your incoming wardrobe.

Think Through New Wardrobe Decisions

Impulse buying is always fun, but it's not always a good long-term strategy. Aim for a balance between items you've decided to keep and things you want to add to your wardrobe.

When you're shopping for new clothes, ask yourself these questions before you buy.
• Does an expensive price tag mean it's really a good investment?
• Are you comfortable with the quality of items on sale?
• Is this new thing a basic that you just can't live without?
• Does it work with the clothes you've decided to keep?
• Are you happy with the materials, fit and color?

When the answers are yes, buy with a smile, but save receipts. If anything inspires belated buyer's remorse, you'll be ready to return it and save room in your beautifully organized closet.

Store Clothes Like a Fashion Pro

Everyone can use extra clothing storage space, especially after building a new wardrobe. Use your fashion sense and these tips to take care of old and new items in a climate-controlled storage unit.
• Make sure everything is fresh and clean before packing.
• Blanket folded items in storage bins with breathable muslin covers.
• Stuff shoe puffs or sock rolls into shoes and boots.
• Hang expensive clothes on padded hangers inside garment bags.
• Use wheeled racks for quick access to heavy outerwear.

We Keep It Easy and Manageable

Fresh fashion changes make you look and feel brand new. Keep them easy and manageable with our convenient clothing storage solutions. You can count on Safeguard Self Storage in the design district of Miami, FL, for affordable storage units that fit every wardrobe change.

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