Organize Your Junk Drawers Once and for All

The best intentions don't work on junk drawers. You try, but they always fill back up. Figuring out how to organize junk drawers shouldn't be that hard. That’s why the storage experts at Safeguard Self Storage have put together a selection of helpful junk drawer organization ideas. Discover more below!

Using the KonMari Method to Tackle Clutter

The KonMari Method is a great source of inspiration for organizing your junk drawers and keeping them tidy. Combine that discipline with determination, and add nearby self storage. You're ready to reclaim valuable drawer space with the following six steps:

1. Get Everything Out

You can't start organizing junk drawers until each one is completely empty. As you clear everything out, use a little KonMari visualization. Imagine the beauty of rescued drawer space.

Toss obvious trash. If it's broken, expired or just beyond practical use, pitch it. Don't try to sort through the rest. Instead, step back for an overview of what you're dealing with.

2. Dust, Clean, and Measure

Clean junk drawer interiors with a microfiber cloth. Dust outside edges, glides, and hardware. Lightly spray interiors with vinegar and water, wipe clean, and let the drawers dry.

Your tape measure is probably somewhere in that pile you emptied out earlier. Grab it, measure each drawer's dimensions, and make notes. They'll come in handy when it's time to compartmentalize your project.

3. Sort With Purpose

When you know how to organize junk drawers with purpose, you're following the KonMari path to decluttering. You're ready to let go of stuff you don't really need, and that's liberating.

Items that get to stay are things you use on a regular basis. They might be scissors, tape, spare keys, or extra chargers. Now, visualize it all in simple drawer compartments.


4. Organize Your Storage Options

Make the most of recovered space with junk drawer organizers. Reference your earlier measurements, and stock up on mini boxes, stackable organizers and drawer divider systems. Try a mix of these DIY junk drawer organization ideas with a number of items, such as:

  • Small muffin tins
  • Flatware or makeup trays
  • Zip-top plastic bags
  • Ice cube trays


5. Keep It Simply Sensible


Simplicity is a basic tenet of KonMari. Focus on that with simple drawer layouts that make sense. You don't need staplers in the kitchen drawer or grocery coupons in office drawers.

The best storage ideas for junk drawers turn them into easy-to-access storage units. Streamline grouping strategies so that newly reclaimed drawers work for you and your entire household.

6. Stay in Control

You've conquered junk drawer clutter, so make it a permanent change. Regularly check drawers to be sure they're staying organized. It's a simple routine that pays off with space where things never get lost.

When items that don't belong start to sneak in, set them aside for your next trip to self storage. You're in control of those former junk drawers, and that's a positive change for the better.

Enjoy Expandable Space

Whether it's drawers, closets or the garage, all your space is valuable. The determination you put into keeping it organized deserves to be rewarded. Once you’ve reorganized your junk drawers, you can create even more deserved space with a storage unit from Safeguard Self Storage.

From Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, NY, to West Rogers Park in Chicago, IL, our storage facilities feature a wide selection of storage unit sizes and features to help you make the space you need when you need it.

Visit one of our locations in New York, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey and let us make it easier for you to stay organized.

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