A Smarter & Cheaper Way To Move

Each year over 40 million Americans move from one location to another. If you are one of these individuals who will be moving soon follow these simple ideas to make your move as easy and cost effective as possible.

Start early:

Packing always takes longer than you think. Start two to three weeks prior to moving day so you can keep organized. Start with the items you use the least. Here is a wonderful link to a moving checklist to help make the process easier.

Purchase the packing supplies needed:

Purchase quality packing and moving supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, newsprint, packing peanuts, dish and glass packs and tape to prevent damage to your valuables during the moving process.

Pack strategically:

Mark the boxes you will need first in your new home with a star. Items such as sheets, towels, toiletries, and a fresh set of clothes will be needed day one. If your new home is smaller than your old home you should think about renting a self storage unit. A self storage unit will allow you to store your memories without cluttering up your new home. Be sure to label boxes of items to be placed in self storage accordingly. Not sure that size self storage unit you will need? Use this link to help determine the size storage unit you will need.

Create a packing area:

Choose a room that does not get much use or an area of your home to serve as a packing station. Build boxes of assorted sizes so they are ready as needed. Momentum is key to packing success. Keep a supply of markers, packing tape, bubble wrap, packing peanuts and newsprint in the area.

Think heavy small – light large:

Be sure to pack heavy items such as books in small boxes and light objects in large boxes. This makes moving the boxes easier and quicker while preventing damage to the contents.

Don’t pack air:

Leave the contents in dressers and chests. Emptying these items increases packing time and wastes storage space. You can also place items inside hollow appliances such as washing machines, dryers and microwave ovens.

Use trash bags:

Boxes are great because they are easy to handle and are stackable. Trash bags are nice because they squish. Fill large trash bags with soft non-breakable items. They can be stuffed into trunks and moving trucks in areas that boxes can’t.

Pack hanging clothes right:

Please your expensive hanging items in a wardrobe box to prevent any damage.

Don’t pack blankets or beach towels:

Use these items as furniture pads to protect your items during the moving process.

Stack and pack lampshades:

These items usually take a beating during the moving process. Remove each shade and stack them small into large and then put them together in one box. This will help insure that they arrive in your new home intact.

Label your boxes on two sides:

Mark every box with it’s contents and destination (such as kitchen or self storage) on more than one side. Also note if the contents are fragile.

Be prepared:

Have everything ready before the movers arrive or you pick up the rental truck. Disassemble furniture that will need to be taken apart. Place nuts and bolts in an envelope and tape the envelope to the furniture. Roll up area rugs tight and tape them together. The more organized you are the less time your will spend on movers who charge by the hour or on truck rental.

Load in sections:

If you are loading a moving truck yourself, maximize every inch of space and keep items from shifting by loading in sections from the floor up. Load heaviest items first, in front and on the floor. Pack tightly and to the top, then move to the next section.