It's Easy to Celebrate International Literacy Day in Garfield

You love reading a good book. You love that great feeling you get when you help out other folks. Put the two together, and you have plenty of inspiration for celebrating International Literacy Day. This September 28, join your friends raiding those boxes of old books in their storage units. Garfield, NJ can be an exciting launch pad for spreading the printed word and giving back to our community.

Start a Bookstore Club

If you build a book exchange club, fellow readers will come. If you designate one of the 10 bookstores here in town as official headquarters, you can build a following. Speak with store managers about your ideas. Chances are good that you'll get invitations from several locations, so consider meeting at different stores on a rotating basis. That classic volume stashed in your self storage is destined to become a fellow club member's latest page-turner.

Support Your Local Librarian

Have you lost your library card? Just apply for a new one online. Our Garfield Public Library knows all the high-tech tricks that keep patrons happy, and they always welcome helping hands. This International Literacy Day, drop by and volunteer to assist the hardworking folks on Midland Avenue. Share your love of books with kids as one of the library's Reading Buddies, or get involved in fundraising through used book sales. Whether you help out with Family Story Hour or just put books back on the shelves, your efforts are very much appreciated.

Build a Free Book Exchange

They're small, they're free and they're open to everyone. The Little Free Library program provides everything you need to set up a book exchange wherever you like. The program offers online advice on finding the best location, ideas for building your Little Free Library and access to resources and support. Once you've established your literary outpost, register with the site to become an official member with your own charter number. You even get to add your Little Free Library to the program's world map.

The fun of reading a good book just gets better when you share. The satisfaction in contributing to our City of Champions just gets better when you know that you're making a positive difference. We congratulate everyone for spreading the printed word, and we're happy to do our part here in Garfield, NJ. Safeguard Self Storage stands ready to support your literary accomplishments all across Bergen County.