Aging Parents and their Belongings

An aging couple smiling and sitting with their adult children and young grandchildren.Are you a Baby Boomer with aging parents in NY? If so, you may wish to consider the best ways to watch out for the good people who raised you as they ease into their old age. There may well come a time when good old Mom and Dad will need to make a major change of residence.

Maybe your elderly parent wishes to remain independent, but their long-time house is just too big for them to manage anymore. If this is indeed the case, help them throw a fabulous yard sale before they move to a smaller dwelling. Treasures they cannot bear to part with can be carefully crated and kept in air conditioned and heated self storage in Yonkers, NY.

If your parent can no longer live alone due to infirmity, you might want to make the loving gesture of inviting your aged loved one to move in and share your home. If you are unable to do so, perhaps a sibling can. In either case, there's a good chance that some or even most of your parent's belongings will need to be put into temporary safekeeping. Safeguard’s state-of-the-art storage units in Yonkers, NY can provide exactly that.

If your aging parent is able to make good decisions, by all means allow them to choose what things to sell, what things to give away, and which treasures to put into climate controlled self storage in Yonkers. If your folks have always been fiercely independent, that's not likely to change simply because they have to downsize a lifetime of belongings.

Keep available at least a few special items that make your parent feel at home and and store the rest in Safeguard Self Storage NY storage units in Yonkers which are equipped with computer controlled access, unit door alarms, digital video recording and storage facility wide intercom system for peace of mind. Also, Safeguard Self Storage is located at 188 S. Broadway for the ultimate in convenient access. Ready to learn more? Call (914) 222-1519 and ask us how to get your first month of storage for only 99 cents!